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伯利兹是中美洲唯一以英语为官方语言的国家,于中美洲东部沿海地区; 坐落在墨西哥,危地马拉和加勒比海之间。
伯利兹的志愿服务将为您提供一生探索这个神秘国度的机会,同时回馈社区。我们的志愿者项目允许您在孤儿院计划和托儿所为当地儿童提供支持。与我们一起志愿服务并获得更广阔的世界观。在伯利兹做志者愿 ,这将是你的一个无与伦比的机会,在志愿服务过程中发现中美洲最迷人的土地之一。
  • 项目长度:从1周到8周
  • 抵达机场:伯利兹城(BZE)
  • 工作时间表:每周5天,每天6-7小时
  • 要求:警察检查/清关报告,父母公证授权17岁以下单独为志愿者旅行。
  • 年龄限制:独行旅客至少16岁或以上。
  • 最低年龄:如果与父母一起旅行,则为10至15岁。
  • 预防接种:常规Vac,Hep-A和伤寒。

志愿者在伯利兹参加项目,文佑及我们的合作伙伴会为的所有志愿者提供支持,并为我们的志愿者项目所在的当地社区提供服务。并为所有志愿者提供相应的课程,  课程安排是针对志愿者不同的兴趣和技能组合量身定制的,但仍允许志愿者有时间在空闲时间探索中美洲当地的文化和活动。
  • 早上7:30在志愿者家/寄宿家庭享用早餐。
  • 上午8:00志愿者离开,前往他们的项目现场。
  • 上午8:30至下午13:00志愿者工作和午休时间。
  • 下午14:00至17:00语言课程或下午志愿者工作。
  • 18:30-19:30 PM志愿者/寄宿家庭的晚餐。


What's the best time to go to Belize City in Belize? Here are some annual weather facts we collected from our historical climate data:
  • On average, the temperatures are always high.
  • A lot of rain (rainy season) falls in the months of: January, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
  • On average, the warmest month is May.
  • On average, the coolest month is January.
  • September is the wettest month. This month should be avoided if you don't like too much rain.
  • April is the driest month.

  • Accommodation: On-site shared volunteer quarters
  • Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily
  • Arrival: Airport meet and greet by ABV Staff
  • Orientation: Project Overview On-Site
  • Support: Pre-trip written guide, In-country ivn staff available 24/7
  • Departure: ABV Staff Escorted Airport Transfer

Extra costs: Flights. Entry Visa. Departure taxes. Vaccinations. Local Transportation. Travel & Health Insurance. Laundry and Internet.

Festivals and Festivities
Baron Bliss Day Parade and Annual Boat Regatta – March 9
An Englishman named Baron Henry Edward Ernest Victor Bliss had a soft spot for Belize’s Caribbean Coast. He left the Belizean government a large amount of money in his will. Belize honors him every year with a festival of fishing and sailing.
Easter–Lent, Carnival, and Semana Santa
Belize is no different from other Latin American countries – Easter is a huge deal. Easter weekend is an extremely festive and colorful celebration. Benque Viejo del Carmen is a particularly devout city, and holds a weeklong party from Palm Sunday to Good Friday.
Ambergris Caye and Belize City are both good destinations for Carnival parades. While the parades are not as large as those in Brazil, the exuberance and penchant for giant, feathery costumes are the same.
St. George’s Caye Day – September 10
On September 10, 1798, the battle at St. George’s Caye finally drove the Spanish away from Belize. Spain wanted to add Belize to its collection of Central American colonies. Settlers from Great Britain had settled on the coast in order to harvest the trees for lumber. The Spanish objected to the British presence on the coast, and attempted to drive them away repeatedly. At the Battle of St. George’s Caye, British settlers ensured that Belize would never be a Spanish colony. As a result, Belize City celebrates this anniversary with music, cooking, and drinking.
Belize Independence Day – September 21
September is a busy time of year for Belizeans, especially Belizeans who like to party. The span of time between St. George’s Caye Day and Independence Day is known as Belize’s most festive time of year. Belizeans mark their independence day with noisy parades and raucous concerts.
After Belize gained its independence from Great Britain in 1981, the country maintained friendly relations with Great Britain and became a member of the British Commonwealth. To this day, the Queen is on the Belizean currency.
Belize City Carnival – Mid-September
Wild floats crowd the streets during Belize City’s Carnival. This festival is the largest demonstration of Caribbean spirit in Belize. Men and women don elaborate costumes – some resemble large birds, and will remind you of Brazilian Carnival costumes. But the music here is distinctly Belizean, played with gusto at seaside concerts that last long into the night.
November 19 – Garífuna Settlement Day
This day commemorates the Garifuna’s arrival in Belize in 1823. Supposedly they migrated to Belize after getting shipwrecked on St. Vincent Island, arriving in dugout canoes called dorys. This festival is celebrated in Punta Gorda, Belize City, Dangriga, and Hopkins.
The Garífuna’s musical tradition includes lots of fast-paced drumming. Dancing accompanies the music, as does traditional food and drink.
Boxing Day (Day after Christmas)
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day, a British holiday that is also widely celebrated in the Caribbean. On Boxing Day, slaves in British colonies were allowed a day to celebrate amongst themselves.
In Belize (and other Caribbean countries) this holiday means a Junkanu parade. Participants wear masks with pink skin and bright red lips. The masks and choreography were developed as a way to mock the European slave owners. Historians aren’t sure where the term “Junkanu” comes from – all we know is that the celebrations originated as a way to briefly experience respite from a life of oppression and toil.

Meals & Food
The tamales in Belize probably do not taste like you've eaten elsewhere. There are no corn husks wrapped in salty ingredients. Instead, banana leaves are used. You may already know that Belize's tamales recipes often satisfy regional tastes, so menus can refer to these varieties: collado, torteado or buns.
Tamalitos or ducunu deliver the mestizo flavor that is not found in the aforementioned tamales. These mini are made from corn husks with toasted corn baked with coconut milk, salt, sugar and butter before the tamalitos are steamed to perfection. Whether we call them tamalitos or ducunu, they are also called the most delicious.
Cow Foot Soup
Beef Soup There is no mysterious source of meat in this hearty soup that is cooked slowly so that ingredients like potatoes, onions, okra and carrots absorb the flavors of cilantro and black pepper as they get married. It is usually served with corn tortillas, white rice and habanero chile sauce for more heat, this is an emblematic dish of Belize.
Look for dishes like Cochinita Pibil in the menus of the restaurants and they will treat you with pork that has been marinated, wrapped in leaves and buried to cook slowly, just as the Mayans prepared this succulent dish thousands of years ago. Served with tortillas, use them to keep the meat filling for quick delivery to the mouth.
Dry. This fish soup owes its flavor to a mixture of fried fish, coconut milk, banana and cassava. Sere resembles hudut, a dish from southern Belize that is representative of Garifuna cuisine. Here is the turn: the hudut is prepared by cooking bananas until they are tender, combining it with fish and spices and serving it with a dip of coconut milk.
Rice & Beans
No visit to Belize is complete without tasting the basic food of Belize, but do not be surprised if it hardly resembles the rice and beans that you tried elsewhere, because in Belize, it is Creole cooked style, and you will always find it in the Cahal Pech Resort menu.

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